Sekarang Pukul 5 ptg.
Ak da abiskn lebeyh kurang.. wat.. 4 ato 5 mug of coffee.
Hm.. diowunk kate, mnom kopi byk2 leyh dpt migrain, ak tgk, xade pon.
Bkn ak nk migrain, tp.. yela, ak plik la.Kopi btol leyh wat kter jge,wat otak xnantok tp,xde pon migrain?
Haha, xkesala. Act, ak mnom kopi byk2 ni ade due sbb,
Nk thn nantok
Nk pnskn bdn
Woo.. ngah sejuk ni kot. Mati la ak klu x minom air pns, n since just coffee je ade lam rak kt dapur tu, kopi je la pilihan ak.
Ntah la, sejak duemenjak ni, ak skunk da asek nau minom kopi, nape?? jgn la tye ak. pliss. Ak pon xtaw. Well at least dedue buku histo ak, n mate ak bkk la jgk kn.
Salunye, buku je bkk, mate tutup. Haha..
So, back to coffee, as we know coffee contain caffeine.
So, the real question is,what can act caffeine do to you??
"Those who consume 300 mg. or more per day, suffer from withdrawal symptoms if they abruptly cut off their caffeine supply. Most users will suffer from symptoms of fatigue and depression, irritability, tremors, jumpiness, deprivation of deep sleep, and vascular headaches, as the blood vessels in the brain dilate"
Wow, seems pretty scary to me.
Tp2, Caffeine jgk.
"Caffeine is best known for its stimulant, or "wake-up," effect. Once a person consumes caffeine, it is readily absorbed by the body and carried around in the bloodstream, where its level peaks about one hour after consumption. Caffeine mildly stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It affects the brain and results in elevated mood, decreased fatigue , and increased attentiveness, so a person can think more clearly and work harder. It also increases the heart rate, blood flow, respiratory rate, and metabolic rate for several hours. When taken before bedtime, caffeine can interfere with getting to sleep or staying asleep."
"Caffeine also blocks an adenosine's ability to slow the nerve cells' activity in preparation for sleep, and instead increase the speed of their activity and of the neuron firing in the brain. The caffeine causes the blood vessels in the brain to constrict, because it has blocked the adenosine's ability to open them to allow sleep. The ability of caffeine to close the blood vessels is why many pain relievers contain caffeine. If a person has a vascular headache, the caffeine in the medicine will shut down the blood vessels, thus easing the pain."
"caffeine,is capable to manipulate dopamine production. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, activates the "pleasure centers" in certain parts of the brain, and simply makes a person feel good"
Haa.. yg no 3 ke tiga tuh ak xbrape sure, senanye pros ke cons. Ngaa.. Pape pon, Thanks caffeine, u're done u're job. For now, I may need u again. I will be needing u again.
p/s ; meh2 rmi mnom kopi.
p//s ; jgn tiru kt rumah taw, nanti kne mara
p///s ; caffeine is more basically coccaine, so, might wanna think twice b4 u all consume it
bravo~ amekla selori next time. sindir ni.
mara nmpk
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